The TODO List V2.0 is an electronic replacement for paper-based To Do lists of old - except with a host of easy-to-use features that you wouldn't believe. To name a few, 1. Single screen interface 2. 50 TODO items per list 3. Items can be expanded to 64K text 4. TODO reports 5. Cut/copy/paste/append/insert/delete 6. Promote unfinished items 7. Popup phone list 8. Find and Find Next operations 9. Launch oft-used Windows apps 10. Windows-style Help 11. And a whole lot more... The TODO List V2.0 replaces versions 1.1, 1.3, 1.3a, and 1.3b and is completely compatible with lists created with those versions. Unzip TODO20.ZIP into C:\TODO and read TODO.DOC for installation instructions.